My blog on pregnancy bed rest and complications

This blog is partly for me, as an outlet for enduring bed rest, partly for anyone with similar complications who stumbles upon this (since others blogs have helped me) and partly for friends and family to stay updated.

Warning - could be TMI - there will be talk of bleeding and anatomy

The quick summary is that I was on bed rest for marginal placenta abruption & marginal placenta previa. I was on bed rest at home for 6 weeks and on hospital bed rest for 10 days until I had an almost complete placenta abruption with full previa and was rushed to an emergency cesarean at 25 weeks to save both baby Jacob and myself. More details in the blogs......

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stay the Course

Today I am 21 ½ weeks pregnant and have been on consecutive bed rest for 3 ½ weeks. I’m finding it harder to write updates since nothing has changed for 3 weeks. No doctor visits or ultrasounds this week and nothing to report. A few times I have felt like I my symptoms are getting better, but I’m hesitant to say it. Yesterday I actually said out loud to my husband that I think things are getting better, but I had to retract my statement later that night and the next morning when symptoms got worse or back to how they have been.

So in the absence of any improvement or news, I will have to stay the course, at least a few more weeks until the next ultrasound and visit with the specialist. I am still thankful for no surprises, hospital visits, contractions, or preterm labor.

I’m also thankful for a few highlights this past week:
  • Date Night with my Husband - Thanks to my sister for having a sleepover for my little girl and to the family of my son’s friend for having him over for a sleepover.  And thanks to my husband for bringing home a great dinner and dessert and watching a movie with me.
  • Sneaking out - My husband also snuck me out of bed rest one morning to go to the bagel shop. I figured the short walk to the car and to a comfy seat inside the bagel shop was no more than the walk to the bathroom so no harm done. It was nice to be out in society for 45 minutes or so. I said that to my husband, and he thought, wow, if being in a marginal bagel shop is so great, bed rest must be pretty bad.
  • Bedrest Buddy – I am now corresponding with a bedrest buddy who has been through almost the same experience as me and delivered a healthy baby at 33 wks. Through this experience I have heard of or talked to a lot of people who have been through “exactly the same thing,” but then you ask a couple questions and it is not the same thing at all. So it’s nice to talk to someone who has really been through the same thing and truly understands my thoughts and fears.
Of course our whole family is still grateful for all the thoughts, prayers and words of encouragement for today, and faith and hope for tomorrow. Many continued thanks!