My blog on pregnancy bed rest and complications

This blog is partly for me, as an outlet for enduring bed rest, partly for anyone with similar complications who stumbles upon this (since others blogs have helped me) and partly for friends and family to stay updated.

Warning - could be TMI - there will be talk of bleeding and anatomy

The quick summary is that I was on bed rest for marginal placenta abruption & marginal placenta previa. I was on bed rest at home for 6 weeks and on hospital bed rest for 10 days until I had an almost complete placenta abruption with full previa and was rushed to an emergency cesarean at 25 weeks to save both baby Jacob and myself. More details in the blogs......

Monday, August 23, 2010

Here we go again....

Lots of blood, worst yet. Cramping and pain. Hopefully nothing new or terrible, but going to hospital to be safe not sorry.